Ultimate Guide to Tigreal in Mobile Legends: Mastering the Tanky Warrior



Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide with its dynamic gameplay and diverse hero roster. Among these heroes, Tigreal stands out as a stalwart tank with a powerful combination of crowd control and durability. His ability to initiate fights, protect allies, and control enemies makes him a vital asset in any team composition. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Tigreal’s abilities, optimal item builds, strategies, and tips to help you unlock his full potential and dominate the battlefield.

1. Introduction to Tigreal

Tigreal is a Tank hero in Mobile Legends, renowned for his ability to absorb damage, initiate fights, and provide crucial crowd control. His robust defense and crowd control skills make him an excellent choice for players who prefer a frontline role and want to lead their team to victory. Tigreal’s strength lies in his capacity to both protect his allies and disrupt enemy formations.

1.1 Background of Tigreal

In the lore of Mobile Legends, Tigreal is a formidable warrior from the Land of Dawn. Known for his unyielding strength and unwavering resolve, Tigreal serves as a protector of his people. His valor and might on the battlefield are matched only by his commitment to his comrades. His armor and weaponry reflect his status as a steadfast defender, making him a symbol of resilience and courage.

2. Abilities of Tigreal

Tigreal’s abilities are designed to make him a robust tank and crowd control specialist. Here’s a detailed look at his skill set:

2.1 Passive Skill: Guardian’s Bulwark

Tigreal’s passive skill, Guardian’s Bulwark, enhances his defensive capabilities. When Tigreal is hit by an enemy hero, he gains a temporary shield that absorbs a portion of the incoming damage. This shield is crucial for mitigating damage during intense battles and protecting both Tigreal and his allies.

2.2 Skill 1: Shield Assault

Shield Assault is Tigreal’s primary crowd control and damage-dealing ability. When activated, Tigreal charges forward with his shield raised, dealing damage to enemies in his path and knocking them up into the air. This skill is effective for initiating fights and disrupting enemy formations, allowing your team to follow up with attacks.

2.3 Skill 2: Sacred Hammer

Sacred Hammer allows Tigreal to slam his hammer into the ground, dealing damage to enemies in a small radius and knocking them back. This skill provides both crowd control and damage, making it useful for disrupting enemy positioning and protecting allies from incoming threats.

2.4 Ultimate Skill: Implosion

Tigreal’s ultimate ability, Implosion, is a game-changing crowd control skill. Tigreal leaps into the air and slams down with immense force, dealing significant damage and pulling all nearby enemies towards him. This ultimate ability is perfect for setting up team fights, catching multiple enemies in one area, and creating opportunities for your team to secure kills.

3. Recommended Item Builds for Tigreal

To maximize Tigreal’s effectiveness in matches, it’s essential to equip him with the right items. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended item builds for Tigreal:

3.1 Core Items

  1. Cursed Helmet - This item provides additional health and magic resistance. Cursed Helmet’s unique effect deals magic damage to nearby enemies based on their maximum HP, making it an excellent choice for enhancing Tigreal’s durability and area-of-effect damage.

  2. Dominance Ice - Dominance Ice grants additional armor and mana, as well as reducing the attack speed and movement speed of nearby enemies. This item helps Tigreal to mitigate incoming damage and slow down enemy heroes, making it easier for his team to engage or disengage.

  3. Radiant Armor - Radiant Armor provides extra health and magic resistance. Its unique passive reflects magic damage back to attackers, enhancing Tigreal’s ability to withstand magical damage and protect his team from enemy mages.

  4. Antique Cuirass - Antique Cuirass offers additional armor and reduces the physical damage dealt by nearby enemies. This item is crucial for enhancing Tigreal’s tankiness and reducing the threat from enemy physical damage dealers.

  5. Immortality - Immortality provides additional HP and a revival effect upon death. This item helps Tigreal stay in fights longer and provides a second chance if he is taken down, ensuring he can continue to protect his team.

  6. Athena’s Shield - Athena’s Shield grants additional HP and magic resistance, as well as a shield that absorbs magic damage when Tigreal’s HP drops below a certain threshold. This item is essential for improving Tigreal’s survivability against magic-heavy teams.

3.2 Optional Items

  1. Guardian Helmet - Provides additional HP regeneration and health. Guardian Helmet helps Tigreal recover health more quickly, enhancing his durability in prolonged fights.

  2. Immortality - This item grants a second chance to revive after death, making it an excellent choice for ensuring Tigreal remains a frontline presence throughout the match.

4. Strategies and Tips for Playing Tigreal

To excel with Tigreal, it’s essential to employ effective strategies and gameplay tactics. Here are some tips to enhance your performance:

4.1 Initiating Fights

Tigreal’s strength lies in his ability to initiate fights and control the battlefield. Use Shield Assault to charge into enemy lines and disrupt their positioning. Follow up with Sacred Hammer to knock back enemies and set them up for your team to attack. Properly timing your initiation can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

4.2 Maximizing Crowd Control

Make full use of Tigreal’s crowd control abilities by positioning yourself to catch as many enemies as possible with Implosion. This ultimate can change the course of a team fight by grouping enemies together, allowing your team to follow up with devastating attacks. Combine your crowd control skills with Shield Assault and Sacred Hammer to maximize their effectiveness.

4.3 Positioning and Tanking

As a tank, Tigreal’s positioning is crucial. Stay at the forefront of battles to absorb damage and protect your allies. Position yourself strategically to block incoming attacks and use your crowd control abilities to disrupt enemy formations. Ensure you are always in a position to protect your carries and create space for your team.

4.4 Map Awareness and Objectives

While Tigreal excels in team fights, it’s essential to remain aware of the map and objectives. Assist your team in securing key objectives like the Turtle and Lord, and ensure you are contributing to the overall strategy. Tigreal’s crowd control and tanking abilities can help in capturing these objectives and securing victory.

4.5 Communication and Teamwork

Effective communication and teamwork are vital for playing Tigreal successfully. Coordinate with your team to set up engages, secure kills, and follow up on your crowd control abilities. Inform your team when you plan to use your ultimate and make sure they are ready to capitalize on it.


Tigreal is a powerful Tank hero in Mobile Legends, known for his crowd control, durability, and ability to initiate fights. By understanding his abilities, equipping the right items, and employing effective strategies, you can harness Tigreal’s full potential and make a significant impact in every match. Remember to stay adaptable, communicate with your team, and continuously refine your gameplay to become a formidable force on the battlefield.

With the right approach and dedication, Tigreal can lead your team to victory and become a cornerstone of your team’s success. Embrace the strength and resilience of Tigreal, and let his heroic presence guide you to triumph in your next Mobile Legends match!

This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with all the necessary information to excel with Tigreal in Mobile Legends. By mastering his abilities and strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to make a significant impact in every game. Good luck, and may your tanky prowess lead you to victory!


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