Ultimate Guide to Nana in Mobile Legends: Mastering the Mage with a Magical Touch



Mobile Legends: Bang Bang remains a top contender in the mobile MOBA genre, thanks to its diverse cast of heroes and engaging gameplay. Among these heroes, Nana stands out as a unique Mage with a blend of crowd control, magical damage, and utility. Known for her ability to transform enemies and her strategic gameplay, Nana can be a game-changer when played effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into Nana’s abilities, optimal item builds, strategies, and tips to help you make the most out of this enchanting hero.

1. Introduction to Nana

Nana is a versatile Mage hero in Mobile Legends, known for her crowd control abilities, magical damage, and utility skills. She excels in disrupting enemies and providing significant value in team fights with her unique skill set. Nana’s ability to transform enemies into harmless creatures and her strong area-of-effect (AoE) damage make her a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

1.1 Background of Nana

In the lore of Mobile Legends, Nana is a cheerful and playful mage from the magical land of the Elves. Despite her youthful appearance, Nana wields powerful magic that allows her to manipulate her enemies and allies alike. Her playful demeanor belies her potent abilities, making her a key asset in any team composition.

2. Abilities of Nana

Nana’s abilities make her a dynamic and impactful Mage. Here’s a detailed look at her skill set:

2.1 Passive Skill: Magic Shockwave

Nana’s passive skill, Magic Shockwave, enhances her magic damage. Every few seconds, her next basic attack or skill will release a shockwave that deals additional magic damage to enemies in a small radius. This passive is useful for amplifying her damage output, especially in team fights and when dealing with multiple enemies.

2.2 Skill 1: Magic Shockwave

Magic Shockwave is Nana’s primary crowd control ability. When activated, Nana releases a wave of magic energy that deals damage to enemies in its path and slows them down. This skill is excellent for zoning enemies and controlling their movements during engagements. Use Magic Shockwave to poke enemies from a distance and set up kills for your team.

2.3 Skill 2: Molina’s Gift

Molina’s Gift is Nana’s utility skill, allowing her to summon a Molina, a magical creature that follows her around and provides various effects. When activated, Molina will apply a crowd control effect to enemies it hits, effectively stunning them. This skill can be used both offensively and defensively, providing Nana with versatility in various situations.

2.4 Ultimate Skill: Magic Boomerang

Nana’s ultimate ability, Magic Boomerang, is a powerful skill that deals massive magic damage to enemies in a wide area. When activated, Nana throws a boomerang that returns to her, dealing damage to enemies both on the way out and on the way back. Magic Boomerang also applies a slow effect to enemies, making it easier to chase them down or escape from dangerous situations.

3. Recommended Item Builds for Nana

To optimize Nana’s performance in matches, you need to equip her with the right items. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended item builds for Nana:

3.1 Core Items

  1. Clock of Destiny - This item provides Nana with additional magic power and health. Clock of Destiny’s stacking effect increases its attributes over time, making it a valuable item for both early and late game phases.

  2. Lightning Truncheon - Lightning Truncheon boosts Nana’s magic power and mana. Its unique effect releases a lightning bolt that deals extra damage based on the amount of mana Nana has, enhancing her burst damage and AoE capabilities.

  3. Holy Crystal - Holy Crystal significantly increases Nana’s magic power, making her spells more potent. This item is crucial for amplifying her damage output and ensuring her abilities hit harder in team fights.

  4. Glowing Wand - Glowing Wand deals damage over time to enemies affected by Nana’s skills. This item is effective for prolonging the damage output of her abilities, especially Magic Shockwave and Magic Boomerang.

  5. Dominance Ice - Dominance Ice provides Nana with additional magic power, armor, and mana. It also reduces the attack speed and movement speed of nearby enemies, making it easier to control and damage them during fights.

  6. Ice Queen Wand - Ice Queen Wand grants Nana additional magic power and mana. Its unique effect slows down enemies hit by her skills, providing better crowd control and making it easier for her team to secure kills.

3.2 Optional Items

  1. Enchanted Talisman - Provides additional magic power and mana regeneration. Enchanted Talisman helps Nana stay in the fight longer by reducing the cooldown of her abilities and maintaining her mana pool.

  2. Immortality - Grants additional HP and a revival effect upon death. Immortality helps Nana stay alive longer in fights and provides a second chance if she gets taken down.

4. Strategies and Tips for Playing Nana

To make the most out of Nana’s abilities and item build, employing effective strategies and gameplay tactics is essential. Here are some tips to enhance your performance with Nana:

4.1 Positioning and Timing

Nana’s effectiveness relies heavily on positioning and timing. Position her carefully in team fights to maximize her damage output and crowd control. Use Magic Shockwave to poke enemies from a distance and apply crowd control effects with Molina’s Gift.

4.2 Maximizing Crowd Control

Make full use of Nana’s crowd control abilities by using Molina’s Gift to stun enemies and Magic Shockwave to slow them down. Properly timing these skills can disrupt enemy movements and provide your team with opportunities to engage or disengage effectively.

4.3 Utilizing Magic Boomerang Wisely

Nana’s ultimate, Magic Boomerang, can be a game-changer when used strategically. Aim to hit as many enemies as possible with the boomerang to maximize its damage and slow effect. Use Magic Boomerang to initiate fights, secure kills, or escape from dangerous situations.

4.4 Map Awareness and Objectives

While Nana excels in team fights, it’s crucial to remain aware of the map and objectives. Assist your team in securing important objectives like the Turtle and Lord, and ensure you’re contributing to the overall strategy. Nana’s crowd control and AoE damage can help in capturing these objectives.

4.5 Communication and Teamwork

Effective communication and teamwork are vital for playing Nana successfully. Coordinate with your team to set up ambushes, secure kills, and follow up on your crowd control abilities. Inform your team when you plan to use your ultimate and make sure they are ready to capitalize on it.


Nana is a powerful Mage hero in Mobile Legends, known for her crowd control, magical damage, and utility. By understanding her abilities, equipping the right items, and employing effective strategies, you can harness Nana’s full potential and make a significant impact in every match. Remember to stay adaptable, communicate with your team, and continuously refine your gameplay to become a formidable force on the battlefield.

With the right approach and dedication, Nana can lead your team to victory and become an indispensable asset in achieving success. Embrace the magical charm of Nana, and let her abilities guide you to triumph in your next Mobile Legends match!

This detailed guide aims to provide you with all the necessary information to excel with Nana in Mobile Legends. By mastering her abilities and strategies, you'll be well-equipped to make a significant impact in every game. Good luck, and may your magical prowess lead you to victory!


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